Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Going Green(ish)

I really want to learn how to be greener.   I think we try to do our part here by recycling regularly.  That's partly because our city makes it so easy.  They provide us with a large wheeled receptacle specifically for recycling, and then pick it up on the regularly scheduled trash day, every other week.  

We try to replace burned out light bulbs with the high efficiency ones.  (Although we still have two halogen lights that we're using....  need to ditch those!)

We only do laundry with full loads.  (But we still use the dryer.  Never did care for line-dried clothes....)

We only run the dishwasher when it's full, and usually only once a week.  

We installed a Rain Barrel which is hooked up , and collecting copious amounts of rain water which we use to water all of the plants on the front porch, as well as the few veggies we have on the back patio.

We cut the heat back this year several degrees (which also helped to lower the oil bill!).

We fired the wood stove more this winter to keep the electric heat from kicking on downstairs. 

This spring when we had a rather warm spell, we sucked it up, and just ran fans instead of resorting to turning on the air conditioners already.

We've got the tote bags that we take to the stores now, so we don't use as many plastic bags, and the plastic bags that we do get, we use multiple times.

So, all in all, we don't do half bad. And I know there are more things we can do.  And I'd like to try to figure out what they are....  Anyone have suggestions??

One thing I'd like learn more about is composting.  It's a really cool way of reducing waste and another form of recycling.  Apparently, the former owners of the house somewhat had a composting pile in the back of the yard.  I never noticed it as a formal compost pile, but D recently said that it was set up with cinder block separators.  I'm thinking more along the lines  of a commercial bin.   We'll see!

We should probably buy more local foods.  This is a catch 22, though, as local is more expensive in a time when everyone is watching their budgets.  I enjoy going to the local farmers markets, and getting fresh produce, tho.

Maybe next year, I'll find a spot to actually plant a veggie garden somewhere in the yard.  And use the compost as fertilizer for some terrific homegrown yums!

So, please, if you have some additional suggestions, post 'em!  I'd love to hear some ideas....


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