Friday, May 8, 2009

Some sights

It has rained all week long.  For 6 days now.  It has completely filled the rain barrel several times over, and I'm glad I hooked up the overflow hose and routed it down the drain pipe.  Although, I wonder what I could be doing with all the water that's flowing down there......

It's spring, and things are growing and blooming and thriving.  I've found 4 birds nests around the yard.  The finches are back on the front porch in one of the ferns.  I've got pics of the nest and one egg so far.  We've got a cardinal's nest in a bush not far from the porch, too.  They have already hatched, and I can hear them chirping away when momma appears with food.  We've got two robin's nests in the back yard.

We've put out humming bird feeders to attract these fun little birds, but as of yet, we've not seen any.  Yesterday, however, I saw a woodpecker drinking from the one in the front yard.  I'm not sure what kind of woodpecker, but I'm sure that's what it is.  I saw him again this morning as I drove down the driveway heading to work.  Didn't have the camera, though!

During yesterday's rain showers, the sun was still shining, so we went looking for a rainbow.  We found it!  Right across the street, so it was visible from the porch...

Here are some pics from around the porch and yard:

Above is the fern with the nest.
Below is the nest on the first day.

The nest the second day.  With an egg!

If you look real close - you can see the finch on the
chain on the plant next to where the nest is.

Again, if you look real close, you can see the 
mom and dad finch in this tree.  They flew
directly there from the porch, so I know it's them!

This little guy finally has some new growth!
Can you see it??  This is another picture
of THIS plant.

And finally - some pics of the rainbow
from the front porch!


Sandy said...

It is so exciting to have all those birds nesting in your yard. And I love the pictures of the rainbow!!

kimmyd said...

I think that rainbows end was at my house that day. It sure looks like it from your porch:)

AMW said...

I think you're right Kimmy! Of course the rainbow would end at your house. WHERE ELSE would it end????