Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring is near...

Well, spring is close.  The porch is a mess.  We've pulled plants out to give them some sunshine, but they are in no particular order.  The big palm is about to die.  I managed to keep it alive until about a month ago, and now just looks pathetic.  Most of the plants are looking pretty bad.  I just can't bring myself to take pictures of them.

Hopefully soon, though, they'll be refreshed, and energized and ready to grow.  We've bought some petunias to get some color going before too long, and soon we'll get a storage container to get all the pots and dirt and tools out of sight.

The rain barrel needs a little TLC as well, as the weight of it when it's full has caused the front of it to sink down into the ground.  We'll need to empty it, and put a stabilizing block underneath the front of it.  But then it should be good to go.  

We got a couple of really cool decorative hanging containers that I can't wait to get plants in and see how they look.  I'll make sure and highlight them here for you when they're done.

Until a little warmer weather (it's almost here!),

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