Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend update

This weekend was really nice out, so we decided to put the plants out on the porch for a bit.  Got them out there, then watered them all with rain barrel water, and let them soak up the sun.  

I also repotted a couple spider plants that were getting out of control, and cut off some babies to root them as gifts.  

While at Trader Joe's on Saturday, we saw some beautiful mums, so I got two of those, and repotted them into larger pots.  The mums along with a couple of pumpkins, and two other plants (that I don't know what they are) are giving the porch just a splash of color for the winter.

As I was watering and messing with the plants, we had a visitor.  J saw me working, so pulled into the driveway to say hello.  It's always nice to have visitors to the porch!  

As she was leaving, we noticed a squirrel tucked into the window of the neighbor's house.  He was just kind of hanging on the inside of the frame.  I walked over, and he scurried out of the frame, and just hung onto the side of the brick.  He looked to be fairly young, and he was completely freaked out by me standing there watching him.  Almost completely frozen with fear.  Only after I started backing away, did he scamper off the side of the house, and into the yard.  

Sorry, no pictures.  I forgot to take the camera out there, and have since moved all the plants back inside.  I'll try to get out this week and take a couple of the "winter porch".


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