Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to our Porch!

Over the last two years that we've been in this house, the porch has evolved from a place we sat every now and again, to a place we really enjoy to sit. There are always sights and sounds available.

The blog idea came about when we were watching the progression of some purple finches who had built a nest in one of our hanging baskets while we were on vacation. We pulled the plant down to water it, and there was a tiny little nest with five tiny little eggs. We then watched the birds interact for the next two weeks, as they started their little family. There will be a separate post all-together about these little guys.

As a little background - the porch is near (one house away) from and intersection, and there is a 7-11 convenience store that sits diagonally from us. Across the street from that - is a Rite-Aid drug store. At the end of our street - heading away from the intersection - is a large body of water. We can't really see the water from the porch, as there are other houses and trees in the way, and it's about 1/3 of a mile down.

So, open a cool one (or whatever you'd like to drink) and come sit with us for a bit. See the world through the view from the porch!

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