Thursday, February 12, 2009

Protector Man

I've been putting this post off for a while, hoping that I'd get some good pictures.  Nope.  But I did manage to get some pictures.  Cell phone pics, which we all know aren't the greatest, but it will work....

If you followed this porch blog at all, you know that we live a couple houses away from an intersection.  A 7-11 on one corner provides some interesting viewing.  A Rite-Aid is on another corner, and the other two corners are empty lots.

For some months now, there has been a man that stands on the corner diagonal from the 7-11.  He is there most days, and into the evening.  Good weather.  Bad weather.  Cold weather.  Doesn't matter.  He isn't yelling.  He isn't talking.  He is standing there.  Sometimes with earphones, but even then, he isn't dancing.  At most, he kind of paces, but it really isn't pacing.  More like shifting his weight between his legs.  

Most of the time, he's dressed in a suit.  I've seen him in a white suit with a red shirt, and a red suit from head to toe.  On cold days, he has a long overcoat.  But almost always in a suit.  Oh, some have seen him in a red jogging suit, which I finally saw last night.  

D asked at 7-11 if they knew what was up with him, and was told that he claims to be "watching for the next attack" and is there to "protect us".  Does he know something we don't???  There are also rumors that some of the neighborhood kids waiting for the school bus have complained that he has flashed them.  The police have talked to him on several occasions, but really, he isn't doing anything.  That's kinda the creepy part.  He's not doing anything.  But waiting for our next attack????  7-11 has banned him, and doesn't allow him in the store.

It's all kind of odd.  Nobody I've talked to has seen him come and go, he's either there or not.  We don't know what direction he goes.  He can't park a car nearby, so we assume he walks.  But we don't to/from where.  

Yesterday, our friend K said she saw him in the morning in his red sweatsuit.  When I came home, he was in a burgandy dress suit.  On the way to bowling, he was still there in a burgandy suit, and another police officer was talking to him.  After bowling, he was STILL there, and back in the red sweatsuit.  

Since we only live a couple of houses from the corner, I didn't want him to see me taking pictures of him.  He can see us turning into the driveway.  But managed to get a couple of shots with the phone.  

Didn't know what else to call him, so we dubbed him "Protector Man"...


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, twice now we've had snow in the forecast, and we've been anxiously waiting so we could get some great snow pictures of the porch.    And twice, we haven't gotten more than a flake at best.  So now snow pics.

Hopefully, we can get one good snow.  For pics, and for a ride down the hill......